Monday, May 2, 2011


On Friday night, we had a group of the teachers that we have spent a lot of time with over to hang out and play some games.  We sat outside for awhile and enjoyed the sunset and then went inside.  On Saturday, Ashley, Jenni, and I hiked Malmangernuten! It's a mountain right next to Rosendal which is 890 m high.  It took us about an hour and a half or so to reach the top and then we sat around up there for awhile.  It was an absolutely beautiful day outside and the view was outstanding! We could see our entire town from one side, mountains from another, and the fjord from another.  We got some amazing pictures from up top! There were a couple parts which were kind scary, but other than that it was a great hike. (I'm a little sore today though..) Then on Sunday we went to see the glacier with some of the teachers from the elementary school.   We went on a little walk up to the lake in front of it and it was really cool to see.  It was a great last weekend in Rosendal and now it's time for the last day of school. Sooooo sad L  I'm afraid I'm going to cry in front of my students!! I really don't want to leave tomorrow! Tomorrow we'll head to Bergen for the day and then our flight leaves on Wednesday morning. I'll be back in Iowa Wed night at 6:15...craazyy! I already told my mom I want Huhot for dinner! hahaha

Here's a few pictures from things recently.

everything's so green now!
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hiking Malmangernuten!

halfway up Malmangernuton

view from Malmangernuton


signing the book at the top of Malmangernuten!! yay! 890 m

lake in front of the glacier

see why I don't want to leave?!

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